Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Long Time, No Blog

So, a lot has definitely has happened since last time I wrote.
Lets start off with VBS. We had a Tennessee team come up to run the VBS. It was good to hear the word "yal" again by somebody other than me. The team was full of youth and helpers and they were energetic and had a hunger in serving God and serving little kids. We all know how corny the dance moves are and all the little stuff to get the little kids entertained, and they had no problem handling it. Of course, I had to jump in and do all the little stuff along with them and do all the motions, like me and my fellow worker Andrea had our own themes of dress-up day to entertain the kids. I think that kept them coming back. It was a very long blessed week and I think it was a major success. One of the students was baptized at the local pool and just to be a witness to his baptism helped strengthen my faith. We had over 13 VBSers make a decision of faith in Christ and most of them are in need of much prayer to find a church home and support from the body of Christ.
It sure does rain alot up North. One time it was thunder storming and I was at one house and we had a time of prayer and worship. No matter how big the storm would get that night, a group of believers were singing and giving praise to the one that was controlling it.
The summer is full of surprises and amazing conversations with the Iowa youth. What I have left is Impact University, (the Iowa Super Summer), youth-led Sunday,(the youth lead the service Sunday morning), and maybe Fellowship Games(another camp). Much prayer is needed for me to keep strong and awake as I enter the closing ceremonies of my Summer. The camps are 2 weeks in a row and I am sure I will be praying alot for a "miracle nap".

Until Next Time
Galatians 2:20

Monday, June 14, 2010


So, last night was our first big youth get together for fun and games and a little incite from Paul(from the Bible). We had a great turnout of about 30, which was way more than I expected. I had great helpers and great adult leaders there to help me. It seems the youth had a fun time, or my eyes deceived me. We are already in the process of planning our next big event!
Even though this thing is about my journey to Iowa, I am going to write about the Razorbacks. They came very close both nights, but could not overcome the #1 team in college baseball. They gave it all they had for 24 innings.
So VBS is next week and I am looking forward to it. The church here just had their dedication service for their new church building. It was a great service and a great turnout. The church members dedicated themselves and the use of this building to the Lord. It was a blessing t be a part of.

Until Next Time

Monday, June 7, 2010


Its been awhile, so I thought I would write in my e-diary. So I am finally in the place where I am serving and I enjoy being here. I have been able to spend some time with some of the youth here and I have to say that God has put some amazing, strong leaders in the youth of First Grace here in Sheffield. I am truly blessed to be working and hanging out with these guys and gals of Sheffield.
The first Sunday School that I led was a little rough, but I think it went well. Brother Ken did an amazing job bringing the Word to the people of Sheffield. I am once again truly blessed to be staying at the Livingston household, they are truly remarkable people, and I am very thankful they opened up their house to me.
I got to spend a wonderful night with Dave and his GF Haley at BWW and to see Letters to Juliet. One of my most favorite chick flicks ever by the way. Tonight I had the pleasure to sit through a time for 3 people to share their testimony to different men in the church. It was very heart-warming to hear how they came to know Christ and all the different things God has revealed to them in their lives.
Brother Ken and I are planning a big youth get together for Sunday night to bring in lots of youth and to kick the summer off on the right foot. Please pray for the youth of the area, as to some are not hearing the Good News, that they show up to hear what the Holy Spirit has to say through Pastor Ken, the youth and I.

Until next time,
Galatians 2:20

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Coming into the Starting Gates

After much talking and teaching, the first full of orientation has come to a close. After battling at least 14 alarms, starting at 6 am, I finally decided it was time to get up around 7:10.
The day began with breakfast and Emily and I did a short devotion on Suffering as a Christian and Humility. She had awesome ideas and I think the group liked what we presented. We sat through many meetings and danced to many songs that VBS will offer this summer.
Throughout the afternoon, we sat through more meetings and took 3 test. One for your calling, one for your spiritual gifts and one for your personality. My spiritual gift is serving and evangelism and my personality is an inspirational kind. Apparently the "Inspirational" kind likes to get tasks done but have fun while doing the task. I do not like to have fun at all!!!
After all our meetings, me and my fellow missionaries sat down for a little card game. I dominated and thats pretty much all that needs to be said about that. Then I showed off my magic tricks, which I was called a "Wizard" and I practiced witchcraft. Which is a lie!!!
Having college students from different parts of America is really a blessing from God in itself. The accents you get just adds to the humor they bring. God has put amazing missionaries in Iowa and I pray that lives will be changed because of it.
OH OH OH!! One last thing, if you ever go to Iowa, do not try the Iowa Chocolate Coke, it is probably one of the grosses things in the world. It might sound good, but DONT try it.
Until next time,

Galatians 2:20

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Starting off!

Well today was the first day of orientation. I finally got a roommate and he is a strong Godly man. Overall, there are 7 summer missionaries working in Iowa this summer. I have had many blessed times and conversations with all of them and I am excited and humbled to be working with them over the next couple of months. There is John, Brooke, Emily, Dana, and Brittany.
Tomorrow morning, Emily and I will be leading our first devotional time of about 20 minutes to the rest of our group. We will be discussing our plan of action tomorrow morning over some bread and eggs at 730 am. We will be in meetings and sessions all day tomorrow and half the day Friday. Friday afternoon, I will be headed up to Sheffield where I will be serving the youth of First Grace Baptist Church. I am eager and ready to be serving time with everyone up there.
Please pray for me as I am getting ready for an intense day of training tomorrow and pray that I remained focused on God during these times.

Galatians 2:20

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Let's Make Confidence

Have you ever been on fire for something and the flame slowly flickered away? I experience this in a spiritual way all the time. There are days when all I want to do is go out and preach the word, and theres other days I want to throw my word in a fire. As I look over my years of high school, I noticed a pattern. During summer when I go to youth camp and mission trip, I get on the Jesus train and want to change the world, but as soon as August comes around, I hop of the train and live based on what I want to do. That cycle has officially ended this year. I believe that the way you present yourself to the world helps put out your flame for Jesus. Jesus died for me, and I am to scared to go out and sit next to the person at lunch that has the batman lunch box, why can't I walk the walk for Jesus since he gave up so much for me? I say confidence is key, and if confidence is not present, MAKE confidence. Think of all the people that you can inspire by having a little confidence to step out of your comfort zone. God can do miraculous things with any situation

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

God of Wonders

Today, I had an eye-opening experience. During the hour and a half wait for my friend, Lance to get home, I got to enjoy some peace and quiet outside of his house. I was watching a little group of ants walk while a huge jet flew over his house. I then realized a cloud shaped in the form of a cross. I sat in awe as the cloud rolled by and three things came to mind. The songs, When The Music Fades and God of Wonder. So I pulled out my phone and began reading from Isaiah 33 and I ran across verse 17 that states,"Your eyes will see the king in his beauty and view a land that stretches afar." I realized at that moment that I try to hard to make life easy for me, and I think that I am at peace and I am really not without God's help. At that moment, I looked at the cloud and it had transformed into a peace-sign. Either I was seeing things, or God is trying to tell me something. I sat there with my phone blaring God of Wonders as I watched my old self fade away with the cloud. What a blessing God is!